Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sharing Web Resources Part 2

I am currently examining  I found particular interest in Public Policy this week.  In this particular section we can see Action Center, Building Early Childhood Systems, Federal Policy, Infant-Policy Issues, Policy Guide and State and Community Policy. 
This site has a lot of professional resources.  An example is Babies and Toddlers in the Policy Picture: A Self-Assessment Checklist for States and Communities.  I was able to view a PowerPoint entitled Developing Plans to Improve Services for Infants and Toddlers.

An idea that made me think aobut an issue in new ways is the issue of children in foster care.  The Zero to Three website pushes a policy for permanent placements for children in foster care.  This is an idea that I haven't seen or read about anywhere.  When you think about all we have learned about early childhood development and the importance of creating a bond with someone it makes total sense.  Unfortunately, this is not what happens and this organization is seeking to change that.

I realized through viewing the power point how complex it is to actually deliver policy change.  There are so many different components of what needs to be accomplished.  Many people need to come together and agree on what needs to be done, how to do it, how to finance it, and then how to actually implement these changes.  It is not as simple as we would like it to be.  So even when politicians, economists, and neuroscientists are on the same page, actually agree on what needs to be done, have the finances in place to do it, then there are all these logistical things that need to be done, which is what we usually refer to as "red tape". 


  1. I love the Zero to Three website, Johan! There is just so much useful info in it, plus links to other sites. I read the article on foster care with great interest...I have always had an interest in providing foster care, but hated the fact that you'd have to give the children back after you'd bonded with them (and they with you). I'd love to see policy changes regarding permanent placement. Thanks!

  2. Hi. I do not know much about foste care but I have actually heard some really bad things about foster parents. I beleive one of the initiatives should also be to ensure the quality of foster care and make sure the parents are taking care of the children and not just trying to recieve the money that comes along with that.

  3. Having permantant placement for children in foster care would be a wonderful thing. In my district we have so many children in foster care going from house to house it's sad. This could be a reason why so many children have issues because there is no stablity. I think people are so worried about the red tape issues that they forget about the important things that need to be done for the children.
