I choose environmental pollution. I chose this because my husband’s cousin was lead poisioned when he was 2 years old. He was developing as a normal 2 year old until this occurred. This occurred when they were living in a private house and the pipes were very old. This private house was very old and was filled with lead. Later, they would be told to leave this residence as it would be condemned. The lead in the pipes had contaminated the water. He had initially gone into shock and would have seizures. Because of this tragic event he was given SSI until his 18th birthday. He was placed in special education because his learning ability was affected. This is a link where you can read about how to prevent lead poisoning.
Pollution in Afghanistan - Air pollution
Air pollution in Kabul is severe. Here people use lead gasoline, not unleaded like we use here in the states. People burn tires to get warm and air pollution is rampant. Here is a link to learn more about this issue.